How it works

PE Crowdfunding Platform

How  you crowdfund for your business on this platform

With PE CRWODFING.ORG  Platform, we offer our community,(GAPOA and APA Elite Club) members across Africa a unique space to raise funds from Donors, Humanitarian Investors , Individual investors, Group Investors to advance projects important for communities across Africa and beyound.

Before you start the process, you have to register and create your unique account. One important factor is to be a member of  APA &  GAPOA Elite Club mebership.  

If you are not a GAPOA or  Elite Club Member , you can send an email to with a proposal of your humanitarian project , there,  a decision can be made. Once accepted we will communicate.

Types of Croundfunding  Options

Different types of crowdfunding offer opportunities for almost every type of business. Here are a few different crowdfunding approaches to consider:

Equity based. This is the most like traditional crowdfunders financing, but on a smaller scale. You trade equity, or a small part of the business, in exchange for capital. Crowdfunders get a share of your profits or dividends.

Rewards based. Crowdfunders get something special in return for giving you money. It might be a free product, a special version of the product or a bonus from the business. Games, art, music and small niche products are often successful using a rewards-based method of crowdfunding

Donation based. Crowdfunders give you money based on a request or call to action. This works best with a product or service that benefits a cause or charity, but it can be used for small business growth if you make the right pitch.

Once you understand how crowdfunding works, you'll need to be serious about how you manage the money from your campaign.

Create an account to start your campaign


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